Modernisme | Barcelona Bus Turístic

Until 21/10: closing events of the America's Cup, Passeig de Gràcia - La Pedrera stop (Blue and Red routes) out of service.
23/10: FC Barcelona match at the Olympic Stadium, Red Route without service in the area of ​​Plaça d'Espanya and Montjuïc from 4 p.m.

23/10: due to the FC Barcelona match taking place at the Olympic Stadium, there will be no Red Route service to the Plaça d'Espanya and Montjuïc area from 4 pm.


The artistic movement that defined Barcelona

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Catalan Modernism or Modernisme has left its mark on some of Barcelona’s most emblematic buildings. Architects like Antoni Gaudí, Lluís Domènech i Montaner, and Josep Puig i Cadafalch filled the city with unique houses, pavilions, palaces and parks that now form part of the city’s DNA.

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Main works in the Modernisme style

Modernism was a cultural movement that arose in Western society at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. In addition to its artistic side, in Catalonia, where the movement is known as Modernisme, it took on a political bent that was stimulated by the desire of Catalan Modernistas to produce a modern and national culture.

The Modernisme period, in which the movement flourished in Catalonia and especially in Barcelona, was approximately 1885 to 1920. Despite its highly eclectic nature, it was particularly known for its architecture, which was characterised by creations inspired by the natural world, organic forms and the use of curved lines and asymmetry.

The most important Modernista architect was Antoni Gaudí, who left behind an impressive artistic legacy in the city of Barcelona, with unique works like the Sagrada Família, Casa Batlló, La Pedrera and Park Güell. Another master who embraced Modernisme was Lluís Domènech i Montaner, who, in addition to Casa Lleó i Morera, designed the immense set of pavilions at Hospital de Sant Pau and the original Palau de la Música Catalana. Finally, the work of Josep Puig i Cadafalch should also be mentioned, as he often combined the Modernista style with Northern European Gothic elements, like in the case of Casa Amatller and Casa de les Punxes. Many of these constructions have been included on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

But Modernisme was also manifested in painting and in the design of posters and furniture. To see Modernista paintings you can visit the National Art Museum of Catalonia or, for a more complete appreciation of the movement, the Barcelona Modernisme Museum, which is home to works of art, furniture and everyday objects.


Modernista route

Many of the Modernista buildings are located in the Eixample district around Passeig de Gràcia along which both the Red Route and the Blue Route of Barcelona Bus Turístic run. From the Casa Batlló – Fundació Antoni Tàpies stop you can visit Casa Batlló, Casa Amatller, Casa Lleó i Morera and the Barcelona Modernisme Museum, while from the Passeig de Gràcia – La Pedrera stop you can visit La Pedrera and Casa de les Punxes.

The Blue Route of Barcelona Bus Turístic has a number of stops from which you can visit major Modernista works, such as the Sagrada Família and Hospital de Sant Pau, from the Sagrada Família stop; Park Güell, from the stop of the same name; Casa Vicens if you hop off at Gràcia; and the Pavellons Güell, which are on Avinguda de Pedralbes at the Palau Reial – Pavellons Güell stop. If you hop off at the Tramvia Blau – Tibidabo stop, you can also visit the Torre Bellesguard.

With the Red Route of Barcelona Bus Turístic you can see the Modernista works in the Old Town, such as Palau Güell, which you can reach from the Colom – Museu Marítim stop, or the impressive Palau de la Música Catalana, which is accessible from Plaça de Catalunya or from the Barri Gòtic stop.